1. High Intensity Group Soccer Training @ Rec Plex
2. Youth Athletes Group Sports Performance Training
3. Private Training
KC Performance & Fitness truly trains at a pace that will get you closer to being the best soccer player you can be. This Training Environment is elite & established. It is exactly where you need to be if you truly want to become a better player, a more conditioned and well rounded athlete, and benefit your Mentality on all platforms as we relate to hard work, making sacrifices, excelling in school, treating people right, and being a good person. My goal, my priority, and my expectation of myself & my staff is to check off all these boxes, each and every session that a player is training with us.
However, there is more to life than soccer - these are kids, and I prioritize my relationships with each & every one of them to build trust, have fun, & have a great experience. I will always lead my example, motivate & encourage them.
Kason Crall